Our Purpose

The NLA is part of the wider Government’s science capability, who provide expert science and technology services to Government Departments in support of evidence-based policy development and decisions. To achieve this, members of the NLA undertake research and development, internally and in partnership with academic and industrial entities both nationally and internationally. Under certain circumstances, some of the NLA member facilities are also open to research scientists and engineers working in the public and commercial sectors in the UK and internationally.

By sharing best practice amongst all partners (in technology, operational management and responsiveness), the NLA works together to:

  • Offer a fast-tracked, single entry point for response – ‘one customer journey’
  • Act ‘as one’ on national strategic activities (proactively and reactively)
  • Optimise continued development of partner expertise and resources in the areas of greatest current and future national interest
  • Deliver best returns for the public purse by avoiding risk of duplication of public investment

If you are ….

  • Defending the UK from national and international threats
  • Developing British export trade
  • Supporting UK’s mission overseas in science and technology
  • Sponsoring or conducting national research and development

… find out how the unique skills and scientific assets of the National Laboratories Alliance can help your mission.

Working with the NLA

Partners work together to apply their skills to meet particular needs and, in most cases, provide unique services and capability as part of the total national capability. In other instances, the application of fundamental principles in one area may be able to support a fellow Alliance member with a focus on another topic.

The NLA is encouraging scientists at all levels to network and share experience, benefiting all those involved. This will be achieved through scientific meetings, exchanges of staff and through project by project collaboration.

Where unique facilities or capability exist, the NLA enables access to that resource most cost-effectively by avoiding the development of multiple similar capabilities, many of which are exceptionally expensive.

The Alliance provides surge capacity to help partners deal with unexpected events either by sharing the workload or aiding business continuity responses when resource is diverted.
Collaborating on strategic activities is not limited to science but includes business operations such as HR, procurement, finance (especially capital investment) where best practice and challenge sharing can have significant benefits.

Future investment decisions will benefit from a wider understanding of Alliance laboratories needs, especially where substantial investment is required to exploit novel technologies and skills development in new areas at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. One partner’s field of application and demand profile may not justify the investment case for an important new capability which is much more easily supported when shared over others.

Collaboration may be bipartite or involve further partners. The Alliance facilitates collaboration where the need exists and builds mutual confidence and understanding at many organisational levels. For example, engaging with the developing scientist community will have long lasting benefits to members and their customers.